Placing an Order: How this works

Please enter all the store information here. All fields with a '*' are mandatory. If you are a new customer, please enter all fields. If you have ordered from us before, we already have your shipping information.

You will not submit any payment for the order on this website. We will receive your order and contact you directly either via email or phone to arrange payment details. If you are a new customer, we will also confirm your credentials. We will only charge you for what we send to you so if we are backordered on a pattern, or a discontinued pattern is now out of stock, you will not be charged. Your invoice will contain the final amount due and we will not charge you until we ship!

When you click the submit order button below, a copy of the order information will be sent to us at Quilt Craft Distributors and also to the Contact's email address for your records.

*Contact Name:
Store Name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Zip/Postal Code:
*Contact Phone:
*Email order confirmation to:
For office purposes, Sales Rep initials:

These are the products in your shopping cart.
Note: All pricing shown is Retail Pricing

Num Name Retail Price Disc Qty